Exploring the World Through the Eyes of Expats
Well, welcome aboard, as I begin an expanded venture on Expat
Island of sharing with you expats and expat wannabees what life is like
for a retired expat like myself living in Ecuador and particularly in
the city of Cuenca.
As a way of introduction, I am a retired college professor,
elementary and high school administrator, and a teacher of history and
the social sciences. I grew up in the Chicago area, and lived most of my
life in various communities in the metro area. While a graduate student
at New York University in the late 70’s, I studied and traveled the
summer of 1976 in India. Imagine, a young man from the mid-west on his
first trek outside the United States, venturing off to India. Talk about
cultural shock. I loved it! It was and still is the most exciting
experience of my life. Exotic can’t begin to describe India of the
1970’s. Nothing about India looked, smelled, sounded, or tasted anything
like America. It was as if I had traveled to another planet. I had
already fallen in love with India from my required readings, paper
writings, and class attendance at N.Y.U., which prepared my fellow
classmates and I for a venture into the country of the oldest living
civilization known to mankind. The experience was absolutely exhausting
and exhilarating at the same time, but never disappointing. When I
arrived home, it took two months of rest before I began to feel normal
again, and a year to feel like I wasn’t still somewhere in India. The
sights, the sounds, the smells of the cities, of the villages, and of
the farmlands; not to mention the endless faces of the masses of
people–all of which were so indelibly etched in my very being. For a
year after returning from India, I felt like I was a stranger in my own
country. For the first time in my life, I viewed all the cultural
stimuli of my life in the United States through a prism as if I myself
was a foreigner.I share all this with you, so that you can have some idea of what educational and travel experiences I bring to Expat Island. In the months ahead, the writers and myself here on the island will explore many themes with you. Such themes include culture shock; relocation issues; daily living in a different culture; whether you may or may not be a good candidate for becoming an expat; tradition and change in third world countries; political, economic, social, and cultural issues that can impinge upon the lives of expats; as well as why I settled in Cuenca and what Cuenca and Ecuador have to offer. My blog link, “Cuenca Perspectives by Jim", already provides you with five years of information and history from my initial visit to Cuenca through the current time period. However, keep in mind, whatever you read is my perspective, and little of what I share should be taken as the definitive word on anything. Read and research with discernment; and do so within the context of your own personality, experiences, and aspirations. Do so, as you explore the life of travel, or of the possibility of becoming an expat, or of relocating to a new experience if you are already an expat.
I hope our readers at Expat Island will enjoy the journey with us writers, and much as we enjoy sharing our experiences with you.
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